I witness a longing for deeper embodiment, and the kind of growth - expansion - and resonance that can only be born experientially.

NECTAR is my commitment to an experiential untraining, de-patterning, untangling, deep rooting, nourishment nesting, cup refilling, presence resourcing, resonance amplifying of MORE.

Leadership, guidance, commitment to sustainable wellness on the planet exists in professions of service AND within our family units [parents are in roles of leadership and shaping the future world], the way we relate and forge friendships is molding our ecosystem.

So while this intensive, immersive, untraining is designed to deepen and nourish practitioners in wellness - I see that as a role we are all in, whether we know it or not.

During the online program and this 4 day / 32 hour intensive, you will not be cramming information. You will be EMBODYING ALIVENESS, you will be fully here and now presencing and allowing that ripple to unpattern your beingness back to its natural state.

8 Bi-Weekly 2HR Sessions beginning this November

Sessions include 1 hour of Resonance Embodiment practice + 1 hour of lesson~transmission from me Or guest teachers [16 hours in total]. Monday 4pm EST, yes - there is a recording

Tuition is $1650

Online Nectar + a 4 day / 32 hour in-person intensive in 2025

August 21-25th 2025 + Full Online Program

Tuition is $3950

Payment Plan Available : Place a Deposit Below